Thursday, May 6, 2010

Back to work :(

Well, I did it.  I have almost completed my first week back at work.  Monday was a bonus day off because of the weather, so I savored every minute of that day with Addie.  We watched the news updates all day and prayed for all of those people affected by the floods.

Going back to work has been a major, major adjustment.  My kids at school make it much better when they are with me... I usually do my crying when they are out of the room. :)  So many people at work have been so sweet to email or come by my room to check on me.  Little do they know that it totally helps me get through the day. :)  It sounds like something so silly, but it really means a lot to get a hug or a note from a co-worker.  I'm very thankful for each one of them.

I absolutely love my kids, and one of the things I hate most is that I didn't get to spend the entire year with them. :(  They were well taken care of while I was out, thank goodness, and it's been fun talking with them this week and getting to know each of them again... and seeing how they've grown and learned while I was home with Addie.  We have 10 1/2 more days together, and I am determined to make the most of my time with them...

Here are a few of the latest pics of Addie:

There's my happy girl! :)

Hi, Mommy!

This is going to be on the wall in our bathroom soon. :)

I am so excited that her head is growing so I can put some big bows on it! :)

Her baby blues are my favorite. :)


  1. thought about you this week! :)

    love the fat rolls on her neck!

  2. Such a precious the big bow! I'm sure it's hard to have to go back to work! Big hugs to you:)

  3. She is just so beautiful...just like her Mommy :)

  4. Going back to work is always a bummer...even when you love what you do! But, I hope it helps to know that I'm super proud of you! Remember that Addie's waiting every day...and summer's on it's way! Fabulous pics as always! The "playtime" pics are so, so precious, and those from the "photo shoot" are absolutely beautiful! :)
