Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tennessee Christmas 2010

Our first Christmas with Addie was fantastic!  Seriously.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.  We literally had something planned every weekend in December... Christmas parade, holiday faculty party for my school, Amber's birthday, Christmas celebrations with family... it was beyond great, but it also passed by very quickly! :(

 Eric's Mom and stepdad have Christmas at their house the weekend before Christmas.  Here's a family pic before Addie's present-opening began. Love her grin. :)

 She was precious... at first she really didn't know what was going on, but she was totally ready after a few minutes. :)

See?  Total happiness.
 Addie worked on the art of paper ripping. :)

 ...and she was very excited about her new swing from Granny!

Naturally, she loved petting Duke!  He just lays there and lets her love on him. :)

 On Christmas Eve, it was on to Eric's Dad and stepmom's house for dinner and a Dirty Santa party.

 Then it was time for more presents!

I heart ruffle booties. :)

 Naturally, when it was time for Addie to open her presents, she just wanted to stand and hit the boxes.  She kept that bow on her head the whole time.  I'm not sure why everyone was so surprised. :)

 Gees, that's a lot of presents.

 Big girl with her loot!

Pic of the fam who lasted until about 11:00 that night... Addie was a trooper!

On Christmas Day, we woke up and found that Santa had visited our little girl. :)  By the way... Addie slept in, so Mama and Daddy were very excited. :) We know that won't happen for many more Christmas mornings...
 Addie was amazed at all of the new things that were on her play mat!

 Sweet girl! She was too distracted at this point to look at the camera!

 Christmas morning smiles with my angel :)

 Daddy's Little Girl

 She was amazed by the Santa mask!

Aunt Katie came to see what Santa brought...

 ...and so did Poppy and Mim!
(clapping is one of Addie's latest tricks... "Yaaaay!" she says.  It's adorable, folks. :)

 We stopped by to see Granny...

...on our way to see Papa!  We had a busy day!

Ok, that's all for now.  My next post will be our Mississippi Christmas... we flew out at 5:25 on the 26th.  Yeah.  We got up reeeeeally early that morning!  Here is one more picture to show you how Addie handled her first flight:
Yep.  She's a pro. :)

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